
Joseph Pilates was born in 1880 in Germany. He

studied yoga, Zen meditation and exercises from

the ancient Greeks and Romans. By age 14 he

was a skin diver, skier and gymnast overcoming

his various childhood afflictions.


Whilst confined with other Germans at the start

of the first world war he taught fellow prisoners

a series of exercises combing physical fitness

with breath control and mental acuity to

increase strength and flexibility. During the

latter part of the war on the Isle of Man and

whilst working as a hospital orderly he helped

rehabilitate patients by utilising what was to

hand to provide resistance exercise. Among

other things he used bed springs.


On his return to Germany after the war he

continued his pioneering approach to fitness

and when the Government insisted he train

the new German army he moved to the United

States and set up his Pilates Studio in New

York City with his wife Clara instead.


With emphasis on mind-body movements to

develop strong, flexible muscles without

building bulk he designed a series of more

than 500 exercises focused on breathing and

torso strength by the name of contrology.

The focus on promoting improved posture,

reduced stress, reduced risk of injury and

perfect balance of body and mind.

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The only real guide to your age lies not in years or how

you THINK you feel but as you ACTUALLY are as

infallibly indicated by the degree of natural and normal

flexibility enjoyed by your spine throughout life. If your

spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old; if it is

completely flexible at 60, you are young.


Remember, too, that “Rome was not built in a day” and

that PATIENCE and PERSISTENCE are vital qualities

in the ultimate successful accomplishment of any

worthwhile endeavour.


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